Discoveries on the brain that could change the couple Neuroscience: discoveries about the brain that could change the couple, or how to live a lasting relationship ...
Brain and attachment:

Many tips, to improve his life as a couple: authentic communication, sharing experiences and feelings, listening to each other, small attention to everyday life, common activities and "positivation", etc ... and yet we never had so many divorces and people living alone. Unfortunately, the theory of attachment, John Bowlby, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst English (1950), validated by thousands of scientific and international studies, we learn that it would not always be so simple ... The ability to live a relationship, healthy, stable and lasting, with a person, to depend on his first attachment with his own parents ...

The bond of attachment of a child to his parents will be able to shape his brain: research in neurobiology, showed that children neglected by their own mothers, have a lower amount of oxytocin concentrations in their brains. And on the other hand, researchers detect various variations in the amount of neurotransmitters in the brain, for example, a lower concentration of a molecule, the Dopamine transporter. These changes can occur very early, in the life of the child, and can persist long enough, accompanied by changes in the cabling of neurons.

Would it be possible to learn to trust the other, authentically, sincerely, profoundly and without ulterior motive, and especially, when one would not have benefited from a relationship, in childhood, of listening, sharing and support? Could we reconnect with our own emotions, stifled, to discover them, to learn the proper use, essential to healthy communication with others, fundamental in a couple? Could we learn to really love and not to confuse love with sexuality? Failing to be able to feel what the attachment would be, the subject avoiding, having to be able to decide that it exists. An extremely personal approach, and it would be most of the time, by the discovery in a book, on a website, a forum, a discussion, which will be able to be the trigger. Then in the grip of a life revealed too problematic, and having been able to glean more information, here and there, on the attachment, the person, decide one day to take the step ... from this moment, begins the work of "reprogrammation neuronale"".